WHEREAS, the Creation Narrative in Genesis proclaims, “So God created humankind in [God’s] image . . . .” (Genesis 1:27), Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount proclaims, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9), and the Apostle Paul speaks of the fruits of the Spirit as “. . . love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23);
WHEREAS, in Minnesota in 2023, 569 people died by gun violence: 407 by suicide, 147 by homicide, 8 by accident and police, and 6 undetermined;
WHEREAS, according to the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, the ratio of gun violence in the USA compared to other Western Developed Nations is 5x that of Canada, 18x that of Sweden, and 22x that of Australia. Comparing deaths per million people, the USA is 36.4, Canada is 6.2, France is 3.3, Switzerland is 3.1, Germany is 1.0, UK is 0.5, and Japan is 0.3;
WHEREAS, a gun in the home: 1) Increases the chance of being killed with a gun by 72%; 2) Is 22x more likely to be used in a homicide, suicide or accident than in self defense; 3) Increases suicide by 5x; 4) Triples the risk of homicide; 5) An abused woman is 6x more likely to be murdered; 6) Almost 90% of child gun deaths happen in the home;
BE IT RESOLVED that the St. Paul Area Synod in Assembly urge congregations to consider the following gun safe actions:
- Urge parents to inquire about a neighbor’s gun safety (guns unloaded and locked in a separate safe, with ammunition locked in a separate safe) if your child is going to the house to play;
- Urge the Minnesota Senate and House to adopt safe and reasonable gun laws such as: A) mandatory safe storage; B) Reporting of lost and stolen firearms; C) Establishment of an Office of Gun Violence Prevention on the state level; D) Medicare reimbursement for Community Violence Intervention Service; E) Reversal of gun industry immunity and getting rid of the PLCAA (Protection of Liability in Commerce of Arms Act); F) Mandatory background checks. (Find your representative and senator by going to: senate.mn and house.mn)
- Host a congregational conversation on gun violence prevention (GVP) by inviting ENGAGE to lead.
SUBMITTED BY: ENGAGE: Engage: Lutherans for Gun violence Prevention (Rev. Robert Kriesel, Darcy McKenzie, and Rev. Dr. Ron Letnes
NOTE: ENGAGE uses data from various GVP national organizations and governmental sources: Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization, Giffords, Moms Demands Action, Brady, Everytown, Protect Minnesota, the Trace and other sources.