The USA can learn from countries that are more gun safe. Three countries that are more gun safe than the USA are: Australia, Norway and Japan. What are they doing that makes their citizens more gun safe?
AUSTRALIA. As a result of the Port Arthur Massacre on 28 April, 1996 when 35 people were killed and 18 wounded, the Australian government took action with the dramatic result of major declines in gun violence. What actions were taken? 1) A person must be 18 years old to obtain a full license. You can be 11 or 12 to obtain a sport or target shooting license; 2) There is a 28 day background check process; 3) One must complete a gun safety training course; 4) The gun owner must provide evidence of safe and secure gun storage; 5) One must provide a “genuine reason” for gun ownership. This does not include “self defense”; 6) Guns must be registered by serial number; 7) Semi-automatic rifles are limited to 10 rounds of fire; 8) Target shooters must pay for membership to an approved pistol club; 9) There is a probationary period of six months before one can get a final license; 10) Restricted weapons include: military weapons, machine guns, fully automatic and rocket launchers; 11) License must be renewed every 3-5 years; 12) Licenses are prohibited for convicted offenders and those with mental illness; 13) Gun dealers must be licensed.
GREAT BRITAIN: 1) To own a gun and to purchase ammunition, you need a certificate issued by the police; 2) The police will assess applicant to ensure the buyer is not a threat to public safety. Guns are for work, sport or leisure; 3) Most handguns have been banned since 1996; 4) Licenses must be renewed every five years; 5) Guns must be safety stored with gun cabinets secured to a wall and keys kept separate and safe from children; 6) Gun ownership is a privilege and not a right; 7) It is unlawful to carry a gun in a public place without lawful authority or having a reasonable excuse. 8) The gun owner must be licensed by the police who assess the person does not pose a threat and having a good reason for the weapon: work, sport or leisure; 9) Fully automatic weapons are not allowed to be sold; 10) Disguised guns are not allowed; 11) Air guns are prohibited. IT IS TO BE NOTED that since the Dunblane school shooting in 1996 that killed 16, there have been only seven mass shootings, compared to 647 in 2022 in the USA. After Dunblane, 23,000 guns were surrendered.
NORWAY: 1) You must be a Norwegian citizen and a permanent resident, or lived in Norway at least five years to get a permit; 2) Must be 18 or 21 to own a handgun; 3) A background check is required which may be denied if one has a criminal record, a history of domestic abuse, mental illness or substance abuse; 4) A gun opener must complete a gun safety course and prove you have a safe storage facility; 5) One cannot carry a gun for protection; 6) Police have the right to inspect your home; 7) One must have a good reason to carry a weapon; 8) Fully automatic weapons are generally prohibited; 9) People can own semi-automatic weapons, bolt action and shotguns; 10) Guns are permitted on a “may issue” basis; 11) Gun collectors may own up to 100 guns; 12) To obtain a hunting license, one must commit to enrolling and completing a 30 hour, nine session safety-shooting course which is reviewed every year; 13) A sport shooter must complete an eight hour gun safety course; 14) One must demonstrate “good cause” to bring a gun into a public space.
JAPAN: 1) One must obtain a license to purchase a handgun or rifle; 2) Hunters and target shooters may possess shotguns or air guns under strict conditions; 3) The police check on all gun licenses; 4) There is a strict screening process for gun purchases/ownership; 5) Other than police or the military, no one may purchase a handgun or a rifle; 6) Hunters and target shooters may possess shotguns and airguns under strict safety conditions; 7) The police check gun licensee’s ammunition inventory to make sure there are no shells or pellets unaccounted for; 8) a prospective gun owner must take an official gun safety course and then pass a test that covers maintenance and inspection of the gun, methods of loading and unloading, shooting positions, etc.
USA: 1) The USA has the most civilian-held and illicit firearms in circulation by far: more guns than people; 2) The USA ranks FIRST for rate of gun homicides among other high income countries with populations of over 10 million; 3) Comparing rates of gun homicide in the USA with other countries: 33x more than Australia, 77x more than Germany, and 19x more than France. We rank 7th out of 65 of HIC for gun violence. The US Virgin Islands is #1 in gun violence of HIC.