ORGANIZE TO MOBILIZE is a training event on 25 September, 6:30-8:30 at Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in St. Paul, 285 Dale Street North. It’s purpose is to EMPOWER us to address GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION.
Why is this event necessary? FIRST, it is consistent with Jesus’ nonviolence ethic. Jesus says “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Jesus says “Enough!” when his disciples believe he wants them to carry swords with them on their journeys. Jesus says “No more of this!” when his disciple cuts off the ear of a guard in Gethsemane. Jesus takes violence upon himself on the cross instead of inflicting it upon others.
SECOND, Paul speaks of the “Fruits of the Spirit” as reflecting the nature of Christ: “Love, joy, peace, patience, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control”. He speaks of putting on the “Armor of God” which are the “belt of truth, righteousness, gospel of peace, faith, salvation and Spirit”. He speaks of the duty of government to insure “good conduct”.
THIRD, because gun violence is toxic in our society. The USA leads the Western Industrialized Nations in rate of gun violence by 22:1 and 13:1 in rate of gun homicide for children ages 5-14. Black men are 10x more likely to be killed than white people. 2-3x as many toddlers die by gun fire than do police officers. Suicides in Minnesota account for over 80% of gun deaths, and over 90% of the victims are white, rural and suburban.
ORGANIZE TO MOBILIZE is necessary. We will share our stories, reflect upon Biblical insights, consider the evidence, and learn what we can do to prevent gun violence and create a culture of safety. To REGISTER, send email to: ronletnes@hotmail.com, or call 763-291-4003.