(The following is a guest commentary by Gary Thompson, long time GVP supporter, who works with Minnesota GVP groups like Protect Minnesota and Moms Demand Action. This post is a letter Gary wrote and was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Thanks, Gary)
Background checks and Red Flag Laws. The writer of the recent “Do Something” letter which criticized the Minnesota House for passing a Red Flag bill to prevent gun violence, had no real answer of what can be done. The letter goes on to use talking points of the Republican Party and the NRA. It even blamed minority gangs as the cause, which is not true.
In Minnesota, over 78% of gun deaths are by suicide, of which most are white citizens from all over the state. Over a dozen states have passed Red Flag bills. In these states gun deaths have gone down in domestic violence, suicide and related situations. In many states that have passed background checks for gun sales, gun deaths were also reduced. Well over a majority of gun owners and about 90% of the public support extended background checks and related gun safety bills.
Minnesota needs to pass background check and the Red Flag law now. Sadly, the Republicans, the party of life, who control the Senate, are again saying they will block these life-saving bills.
Gary Thompson-St. Paul