TALK-PRAYERS-ACTION. We need all three. The tragedy in Parkland is hopefully the final straw that ignites significant gun violence prevention action.
David Miles Hogg, a senior at the high school, is eloquent in demanding action. His interviews with other students duringand following the shooting were poignant and affecting, all demanding action. A mother screamed at the camera and through the camera pleading for action from our president. “Do something!” she shouted through her tears. Continuing, she intoned, “I have just spent two hours planning the funeral of my 14 year old daughter. Do something!”
I have two actions we can do. 1) Contact your state and national senator and representative and demand action, not just words. Demand laws such as universal background checks, opposition to Stand your Ground and Conceal and Carry Reciprocity, funding for research on gun violence which has been stalled since 1996 and new funding for mental health. Demand that they refuse money from the National Rifle Association which buys their vote.
2) Sign up to be part of the Facebook ENGAGE-ELCA network so we can continue the conversation, pray in support, and organize for actions. Also, sign up for the ENGAGE Action Team on our website,
As Jesus said, “Enough!….No more of this!” We can make a difference.
Ron Letnes