ACTIONS FOR LIFE invites us to step up and do something for gun violence prevention (GVP). Amidst the tragic Parkland, Florida shooting, the 18th school shooting of 2018 and the 30th mass shooting of 2018, we must demonstrate that those committed to gun violence prevention are not paralyzed but energized for life giving change.

FIRST, we can attend 2-22@2 Rally in the Rotunda for Sensible Gun Laws. Join Protect Minnesota and allies (including ENGAGE), on Thursday, 22 February as we welcome lawmakers back to the Capitol and let them know that the people of Minnesota won’t accept any weakening of state gun laws. Send the message that: WE STAND AGAINST STAND YOUR GROUND! WE WON’T PERMIT PERMITLESS CARRY! 10-1pm we will visit legislators (Register by 18 February and we’ll arrange your visits.) Then, 2pm-Rally in the Rotunda to prevent gun violence. After the rally we will visit the Governor’s Office. Go to and click on events to register.

SECOND, invite ENGAGE into your church or organization to address gun violence prevention, hear and discuss theological foundations for GVP, and learn of common sense actions we can take while respecting the spirit of the Second Amendment and gun ownership. Contact:

In Christ we are not powerless but empowered!


Ron Letnes