It was a great day! The ELCA Churchwide Assembly “…refer[red] to the Church Council, in consultation with staff of the churchwide organizations, consideration of the request for establishing an ELCA Task Force to organize actions consistent with ELCA policy that addresses gun violence prevention.”

This action was in response to a memorial passed overwhelmingly by the St. Paul Area Synod in Assembly in May. The resolution was sponsored by the ENGAGE Work Group of the SPAS.

We believe that organized and focused action by ELCA congregations can significantly effect passage of gun violence prevention laws in our communities, states and nation.

Therefore, ENGAGE urges pastors and concerned Lutherans to contact Bishop Eaton and the ELCA Church Council to organize a GVP Task Force. ENGAGE believes that 32,000 gun deaths a year is a personal and national tragedy that must be addressed. Life is precious.

For life’s sake, for mercy’s sake, please write or call. For further information, see: Thank you.

Blessings and Peace!

Pastor Ron Letnes