
ENGAGE is a Saint Paul Area Synod Public Witness Committee on gun violence prevention (GVP).Peacemakers Matthew 9,5

Our mission is to MEDITATE on, EDUCATE about, and ADVOCATE for gun violence prevention in the non-violent Spirit of Jesus.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.”

As peacemakers and children of God, the members of ENGAGE commit to:

  • Addressing gun violence and gun safety in a manner consistent with personal and ministry integrity
  • Preaching, teaching, and speaking on matters of gun violence
  • Gathering to pray and plan actions to address gun violence prevention
  • Working with congregations to host respectful, balanced discussions on the topics of gun safety, suicide, personal protection, and the impact of gun violence on communities

Why is the ELCA actively raising awareness on gun violence?

The ELCA has a long history of church-wide resolutions advocating for peace and encouraging church members to counter the reality and fear of violence in their communities. Read more >>

Who is involved with ENGAGE?

In 2015, Saint Paul Area Synod (SPAS) Bishop Patricia Lull requested the formation of a working group to address gun violence in our congregations and communities. Members of ENGAGE include pastors, concerned parents, gun owners, and activists in our community committed to prayerfully and respectfully reducing gun violence. There’s room for you, too. Learn more >>

How can I attend an ENGAGE event?

ENGAGE presents at congregational gatherings on invitation.  Learn more >>

How can I stay connected with ENGAGE?

ENGAGE presents a regular BLOG which addresses current data, trends and insights. Go to: www.engageelca.org/engage blog. ENGAGE sponsors a Facebook page titled ENGAGE-ELCA. ENGAGE hosts a weekly salon for conversation titled ENGAGE: Connecting the Dots. To access the salon, send your email to: letnesron@gmail.com and the code will be sent. Read more >>

Contact us

Ron Letnes (Rev. Dr.)


Blessings and peace